Sunday, February 18, 2018

Scary shit, man

Having a baby is awesome, but the crazy things that come into your head aren't. Lately I am convinced something is going to happen to me or to her - I have had headaches since I brought her home so decided I must have a brain tumor. And I am terrified of SIDS, to the point where I go into her room and check to make sure she's breathing. Also driving with her in the car makes me super nervous, and I want to take back roads (which is fairly impossible, but a girl can dream). And now this school shooting makes me want to home school her. Maybe others in my neighborhood would want to do the same and that can be my source of income...

Wednesday, February 7, 2018

Waterproof mascara, stat

I am crying about almost everything these days.
Happy tears? Check.
Sad tears? Check.
Frustrated tears? Check.

Could be post-partum, could be hormones. But either way - it's hell on my fake lashes.

Friday, February 2, 2018

Thanks for thinking I might have my sh*t together

A friend wants to come see the baby and asked if we will be around this weekend or next. Bless her heart. We will be around every weekend from now until the end of time. Never going anywhere, probably ever again.

Wednesday, January 31, 2018


Anyone's dog tried to get in on the breastfeeding action? Asking for a friend.

Friday, January 26, 2018

Math is hard

So yesterday Georgie was 4 weeks old. I was all ready to post her one month photo when my mom informed me it wouldn't be accurate until January 28, since she was born on December 28. I find that a little confusing, but I guess not all months are 4 weeks. I guess this explains why I never knew how many months pregnant I was. The struggle is real, people.

Look for the one month post on Sunday, I guess...

Wednesday, January 24, 2018

We've sprung a leak

Yesterday I was feeding Georgie and she popped off my boob for a second. I looked down and she had milk splattered all over her face. Which is when I noticed that milk was spewing from my nipple. Like the Will and Grace episode where she gets a leak in her water bra:

It was bizarre and hilarious all at the same time. And it didn't stop for a few minutes.  WTF is going on with my body??!?!

Color me grossed out

Baby poop is very well documented. It's supposed to start out very dark, like black tar, and then become yellow and seedy (sorry) once breastfeeding begins. So imagine my surprise last Friday when Georgie's diaper was green and full of what looked like grass. I immediately wondered what I had eaten - kale? Spinach? But it didn't go away so I called the doctor. Apparently this can happen if you have an oversupply of milk - who knew having too MUCH could be a problem - so I can't pump anymore for a while. But the green stuff keeps popping up (or out), so today I asked the doctor again. She said as long as the poop is "fall colored," there's no reason to worry. How hilarious - orange, yellow, green, brown - all good! Purple, blue, pink, white -not so much.