Monday, July 31, 2017

Pregnant Pause

So I was all excited yesterday - my friend and I bought Groupons to Spa Castle, a Korean bath-house type place with all these pools and baths. Totally what you need when it's over 100 degrees outside. But to my dismay, we drove all the way out there to learn that all of the pools were saunas and I couldn't use any of them. Boo. (Besides - who wants a hot tub when it's 100 outside??) By the time I can actually go, the Groupon will be expired. Can't believe I didn't even think about that being a possibility. #momfail

Friday, July 28, 2017

17 weeks but who's counting (I am)

Had my monthly sonogram on Wednesday and got to see Bubbles again! She has doubled in size in just two weeks - gone from 3 ounces to 7 (and I think at this point she's supposed to be 5, so she's tipping the scales)! I am so convinced every time they look at her brain, heart etc. that something is going to be wrong, but the doctor said everything just looks great. She has little leg bones - although I probably won't feel her kicks for another few weeks since my placenta is in the front - and I saw her kidneys and her spine and the four chambers of her heart and her little toes and balled up fists. COME ON PEOPLE. I am finally back to my starting weight, so we'll see what my doctor says next week when I have to get on the scale. No one can really tell I'm pregnant yet (boo), but the bump looks HUGE to me. So there's that.

Tuesday, July 25, 2017

Now back to you

So today I'm being interviewed by the local NBC affiliate about being a single mom by choice. My friend is a producer at the station, and she talked to the health reporter about my story after seeing my announcement on social media. I'm happy to share (obviously) and hope I don't look like too much of a tool.

Tuesday, July 18, 2017

Rounding things out. Emphasis on "round"

15 weeks - finally got my appetite back. As proven in Chicago when I ate an entire small pizza by myself. Still haven't gained any weight, which I don't understand, but I'm sure that will come sooner than later and I will be remembering with fondness when I could wear my "normal" clothes. (I did bring maternity jeans to Chicago but kept having to hike them up. Plus, they were hot!!)

I did notice a new and not so fun symptom last night: swollen feet. I thought that didn't happen until the end, but when I took off my shoes my feet looked like hobbit feet. Yikes. So I have pulled a speaker under my desk to prop up my feet during the day. So high maintenance!!

Wednesday, July 5, 2017

Good thing, since I already bought the crib bedding

Got the genetic test results back: healthy baby girl!! Let the shopping commence.

R you kidding me

Went to Babies R Us for the first time over the weekend - well, the first time I wasn't shopping for someone else's registry. My mom and I kind of browsed through the aisles and I nearly had a panic attack. How does something so tiny need all of these gear?? And where does it go in the house?? Luckily, I had already added most of things I saw to my rough draft registry, but still. Also enjoyed the random snacks in the check-out aisle like Pringles. Assuming that's for mom or mom-to-be. Might add THOSE to the registry.