Wednesday, January 31, 2018


Anyone's dog tried to get in on the breastfeeding action? Asking for a friend.

Friday, January 26, 2018

Math is hard

So yesterday Georgie was 4 weeks old. I was all ready to post her one month photo when my mom informed me it wouldn't be accurate until January 28, since she was born on December 28. I find that a little confusing, but I guess not all months are 4 weeks. I guess this explains why I never knew how many months pregnant I was. The struggle is real, people.

Look for the one month post on Sunday, I guess...

Wednesday, January 24, 2018

We've sprung a leak

Yesterday I was feeding Georgie and she popped off my boob for a second. I looked down and she had milk splattered all over her face. Which is when I noticed that milk was spewing from my nipple. Like the Will and Grace episode where she gets a leak in her water bra:

It was bizarre and hilarious all at the same time. And it didn't stop for a few minutes.  WTF is going on with my body??!?!

Color me grossed out

Baby poop is very well documented. It's supposed to start out very dark, like black tar, and then become yellow and seedy (sorry) once breastfeeding begins. So imagine my surprise last Friday when Georgie's diaper was green and full of what looked like grass. I immediately wondered what I had eaten - kale? Spinach? But it didn't go away so I called the doctor. Apparently this can happen if you have an oversupply of milk - who knew having too MUCH could be a problem - so I can't pump anymore for a while. But the green stuff keeps popping up (or out), so today I asked the doctor again. She said as long as the poop is "fall colored," there's no reason to worry. How hilarious - orange, yellow, green, brown - all good! Purple, blue, pink, white -not so much.

Tuesday, January 16, 2018

The goods (and the bads)

Not that I'm an expert by any means, but after almost 3 weeks, I can safely say some items from the baby registry come in more handy than others.

The good:
Dock-a-tot. Even though my doctor told me the baby shouldn't sleep in it after a month, this thing is great. I will be sad when she grows out of it (in 8 months, haha)

Rock n play.  Georgia sleeps in this little cradle almost every day, and even though it doesn't rock itself like some of the fancier versions, it's a great little nap situation.

Britax travel system. Still getting used to putting her in and out of the car seat, but the stroller it snaps into is super easy to maneuver and use.

The bad:
Owlet. Thankfully I used a gift card for this monitor, because I would be pissed if I spend $300 of my own money. It is a constant source of error notifications (literally, I got about 25 last night), and for some godforsaken reason starts playing music in the middle of the night. I guess I am more tired than I thought, because I have no trouble going to sleep at night - I thought I would be so worried about the baby that I would be constantly checking on her. Which I do, but only when I get up to go to the bathroom. Sleep is fine, thanks.

Ergobaby carrier.  This is most likely user error, but we are finding this thing super complicated to figure out. There are lots of snaps, for example, and not a lot of places for the snaps to snap into. Bastards.

Baby clothes with buttons or snaps on the back. What fresh hell is this??

Thursday, January 11, 2018


Something to add to the list of things I didn't know about newborns: how loud they are when they sleep. Good lord - the grunts, squeaks, mini-cries - when she sleeps in my room at night, I get very little sleep because she is so noisy. Even the white noise machine doesn't drown her out. I guess it's a good thing - I know she's still alive - but damn. "Sleeps like a baby" has an all new meaning.

Wednesday, January 10, 2018

2 weeks old!

Went for the 2 week appointment today, and Georgie is still doing amazing! They said they hoped she would be back to her birth weight, and instead she has gained another 6 ounces from Saturday (tipping the scales at a whopping 7 pounds 6 ounces)! The doctor couldn't believe how vocal and alert she was - she even seemed to army crawl when doing tummy time, although we decided she was just so hungry she was desperately trying to get to me for some lunch. She did not enjoy the heel prick AT ALL, but we can give her big girls baths now that her little umbilical cord stump fell off. We will be attempting this tomorrow - wish me luck.

Monday, January 8, 2018

In best Tom Hanks/Castaway voice: I. Have Made. Milk!

So my milk came in on day 3, and it's getting out of control. Woke up in the middle of the night leaking so bad on both sides that milk was literally dripping onto the floor. I know this is a good problem to have, but jesus. So today I decided to give the ol' breast pump a try. After 30 minutes I only had like 3 mL, but it still felt super cool (and super weird). I guess these babies are finally happy to do what the good lord intended. Mooooooo

Thursday, January 4, 2018

Motherhood, week one

Georgia Cole arrived last Thursday, and she is amazing. Have already learned some things in week one:
  • Most of the baby weight does drop off - I have lost like 20 pounds in the first week. Going to attempt a slow workout tomorrow, which will hopefully help with the rest...(please don't say I have to stop eating banana bread)
  • Shopping with a newborn at home becomes something of a sport: I sprinted through TJ Maxx earlier and just threw things in the cart, not having time to try anything on. Guess it will be a "return policy" situation.
  • So sleepy. Treated myself to a manicure yesterday (my mom is encouraging me to get out of the house alone a few times a week), and I fell asleep during the process. Not even embarrassed.
  • The first week flew by, which has me worried that 12 weeks will go just as quickly. :(
  • This baby poops SO MUCH. I have become an expert diaperer. 
  • And an expert breast feeder. Not to toot my own horn, but she gained 3 ounces since leaving the hospital. toot, toot
  • My mom feels it's best to play music for the baby, while I am fine to watch Real Housewives/The Bachelor. I feel this will be our biggest fight.
  • I have made it a point to shower every day. Feeling like a human is important when you're technically a cow.