Thursday, March 31, 2016

You DO have symptoms...of a crazy person

I am almost through the two week wait and can take an HPT on Saturday (although I know it will be negative). When reading the blogs (I try not to, but what else do I have to do??), people are obsessed with symptom spotting and "does THIS mean I'm pregnant?" Interestingly, I have had completely different symptoms than I did last time. Last month, I was really crampy the whole time, which people said was a good thing (until it wasn't). This month, very little cramping, but I have felt hot, woken up sweating several nights in a row, been a little nauseous and dizzy. Which probably means I'm coming down with something. Awesome.

Tuesday, March 22, 2016

Swim, fellas, swim

IUI went fine - he was thrilled by the sample I bought (which means I'm the problem in this equation). My cervix is at a weird angle, so it took a while to get everything in, but in it went, and now I have to wait until April 2. Kind of glad it's not April Fool's Day, because that would just be a cruel joke.

Monday, March 21, 2016

Round two

Go in for IUI #2 today. Embarrassingly, the sperm arrived Saturday with a giant "SEATTLE SPERM BANK" label on it. Sorry, UPS guy. It was awkward for both of us, trust me.
Gave myself the trigger shot at 11pm Saturday night, so now just hoping the left side backs off and lets the right side have a turn. Not feeling particularly hopeful this time, but I guess we shall see.

Fingers crossed...

Friday, March 18, 2016

Broken down

Went back to the dr yesterday, and once again my left ovary is producing better than my right. Which sucks because my left fallopian tube is possibly blocked, although my dr thinks everything is fine. So I'm not feeling confident about this round of IUI at all, but going to try again because what the hell else do I have to do. The "delivery" is scheduled to arrive tomorrow and thinking the IUI will happen on Monday...sigh.

Monday, March 14, 2016

It takes two to make a thing go right

The doctor wasn't concerned that it didn't work on the first try, but put me on Femara instead of Clomid this time. The ultrasound showed lots of things happening in the right ovary, which is the "good" side, so maybe the second time will be the charm? Have to find a new "dude," though - the guy I used last time is sold out (how does this keep happening?? It's like the semen shortage equals the actual live single guy shortage), so I have to find someone new. I'm actually going to try an entirely new sperm bank this time - maybe my luck will be better with a brand new batch - and found several guys I'm happy with. You know, just like a night out at a bar. Ha.

Thursday, March 10, 2016

Round 2

Headed back to the doctor today to hopefully start this process again. Thank goodness I get my yearly bonus next week - this stuff is PRICEY. (And yes, I realize a baby is crazy expensive as well.) Here's hoping the second time's the charm...

Monday, March 7, 2016


Well, didn't work this time. Took a test yesterday and today, both negative, and started my period this morning. So that's a Big Fat Negative. I'm not surprised, although I'm getting nervous about the fact that financially I can only do this five times - what if it doesn't work at all? Then I'll be dateless AND kidless. Guess I'll travel and adopt a bunch of dogs. Sigh.