Tuesday, June 28, 2016

Slow-cooker? Or just raw?

Still pregnant. And still not up to the levels I'm supposed to be. HCG was 290 and yesterday 738. So all weekend I prepared for the worst - miscarriage or ectopic, but hoping for the former. (Well, not "hoping" for either, but you know what I mean.) Went in today for an ultrasound, and to my surprise the doctor saw the gestational sac. Now, he didn't see the yolk sac or the fetal pole (whatever the hell that is), but at least it's not ectopic. And I'm stunned that he was able to see ANYTHING with my low levels. So almost 6 weeks, have more bloodwork tomorrow and another dr's appt next Wednesday. Cook, butter bean! Cook!

Tuesday, June 21, 2016

Confusion 101

Well, I AM pregnant. I just don't know how LONG I'll be pregnant. My first HCG was 58, which is about average. My second was 131, which is a little low (should have been 180-220). Have a third one Thursday, plus a scan with the doctor to see if the butter bean is progressing. If not, I did get the loan for IVF, so at least I have a back-up plan. Ha - just like the J.Lo movie The Back-up Plan!

Friday, June 17, 2016


Perhaps I celebrated too soon. Started having pretty heavy discharge yesterday (sorry tmi) and it is still happening today. Talked to my doctor, and unfortunately there's nothing I can do but wait. I had bloodwork done yesterday but still don't know the results, and I will go back Monday for another round (barring any tragic incident over the weekend like the start of my damn period). But this sucks. I don't know if it was a chemical pregnancy or a miscarriage or if it's something okay like implantation bleeding. And Googling it on the internet only tells you so much. Wish I could drink wine...

Thursday, June 16, 2016

Leroy FTW

Well, this happened yesterday:

And this happened today:

Can't get too excited, as I still need to get the blood test to confirm, and like 1000 bad things could still happen, but yay. YAY!

Monday, June 6, 2016

Swim like Ryan Lochte, little guys. (And look like him too)

Had IUIs Thursday and Friday, and the timing was pretty perfect. I had all the follicles Thursday, but at the ultrasound Friday, all but one on the left had released just moments before. Still doesn't mean this will work, but my doctor said it was the best we could have hoped for. The only problem: he didn't save any sperm to look at under the microscope, so I have no idea if it was a good sample or not, but come on. All it really takes is one. Not sure why people brag about 85 million of the little guys. I'd be happy with 10. Of course, after watching this video on the struggle of a sperm's journey, I probably would be happier with 300 million. But what can you do. I didn't work out Friday or Saturday, which was tough, and had really bad cramps Friday and Saturday nights. Not feeling particularly confident this time - why would it work on the 5th when it didn't work on 1-4, but all I can do is wait.

I also asked my doctor about IVF - looks like it's about $15K, but the "amazing" embryologist he works with is super religious and won't perform an IVF on single women or same-sex couples. I find this to be quite ludicrous - who are YOU to deny me medical treatment because I happen to not have a husband?? So not sure what that will mean, but I won't have that kind of money for another year anyway, so not going to worry about it. Yet.

Thursday, June 2, 2016

Number 5 is Alive

Ultrasound looked good yesterday - almost too good. I have like 4 follicles on the right (the good side), measuring 21, 20, 19 and 14, and 3-4 on the left which are around 15. My poor doctor kept saying, "I don't feel comfortable with this..." He is convinced I'm going to get pregnant with five babies. (Sidebar: There ain't NO WAY I'm having five babies.) But he is just going to close his eyes and look the other way (hopefully not literally - someone needs to see what's going on down there) . Gave myself the trigger shot last night at 10 - it's possible that I had to set my alarm to wake back up - and have IUI#5 part one tomorrow morning, part two Saturday. I'm not going to work out Saturday or Sunday, which is a HUGE sacrifice for me (you're welcome, future baby), and plan on just laying around with my feet up. #roughlife

Wednesday, June 1, 2016

All systems "go"

Sunday's ultrasound looked good - lining was an 8 (thicker than last month, so I guess the injectables were a good investment after all), and had 5 follicles. More bloodwork Tuesday and another ultrasound, in which the two follies that were 13 on Sunday had grown to 17. Great news, but that will probably move things up a day or so. No sign of ovulating on the OPKs, so I'll most likely trigger tonight and do IUIs Friday and Saturday. I had MORE bloodwork this morning and have ANOTHER ultrasound this afternoon. This shit is seriously like a full-time job. Jesus.
But everything looks pretty good, and assuming Leroy is the same as last month, maybe two follies will release and at least one will result in a baby. If not, going to take some time off to save up for an IVF attempt. Because I don't need to get my foundation fixed, right? RIGHT??