Thursday, April 27, 2017

Feeling pretty positive

It's been a long week. Morning after morning, squinting to see a second line. Finally I caved and bought a digital test. This morning:

So Bubbles is in there. Of course, I've seen this twice before and it hasn't gone well, so I'm not letting myself get excited. Still have to get the blood test tomorrow to confirm. Then repeated blood tests next week to see if my HCG levels are doubling like they should (and they typically don't, so next week will be stressful as well). And then that first ultrasound around week 6 where god willing I see a normal looking something. Which I have not been lucky enough to see thus far. Come on Bubbles. #teambubbles

Tuesday, April 25, 2017

The struggle is real

Dating while possibly/secretly pregnant is tough.

You can't drink.
You can't eat sushi.
You can't do anything active like indoor skydiving/go-kart driving/rock wall climbing/rollercoaster riding (not that you would want to, but still).

And you can't say why. Which just makes you look like a total boring loser. Awesome.

Monday, April 24, 2017

Meet Bubbles.

Isn't she cute??

I sort of freaked when I saw this on Wednesday - it looks 100% different than last time. (Also, it looks like twins...) But it's not. It's my little girl embryo, hatching on her own. Aw. Such a go-getter already.

Also...95% sure I saw a second line on the pregnancy test this morning. It's still way early, but will keep testing every morning because I'm just that crazy.


Monday, April 17, 2017

Almost there

Transfer date is Wednesday! First lining check was 7.4, second was 7.6 (they ideally want it to be 8). Hoping this final week pushes me closer to 8 (although in my mind, I'm like "round up - close enough!"). Started the dreaded progesterone in oil shots in my ass on Thursday, and although it's sore, it's not nearly as bad as last time. I'm sitting on a heating pad for about 5 minutes afterwards - guess it's helping! Have acupuncture the morning of the transfer and then again on Saturday. Blood test 4/28. GAH. So close, but yet....