Wednesday, November 30, 2016

D-Day. Or should I say E-Day.

Today is the day - the embryo transfer! I go in at 11:15 to start pounding water (apparently they need my bladder to be full - fun times), and the procedure is at noon. I'm excited, but I'm also in severe pain from the progesterone shots. My mom was kind enough to do them for me (they are in the upper buttocks region, so I can't really reach), in Europe of all places, but for the love of god. My ass/lower back hurts so bad to the touch, I can barely sleep. Or move. The 10-hour flight yesterday was tons of fun, let me tell you. And I know my mother is absolutely traumatized. Especially after one shot where I forgot to change the needle size from the giant one that extracts the medicine to the slightly less giant one meant for injections. So she gives me the shot and I nearly passed out from the pain. Turns out, the big needle hurts like a mother. Speaking of mothers, if I get to become one after all of this, it will all be worth it. Severe bruising and all.

Tuesday, November 22, 2016


Found out the sex of the embryo - it's a BOY! I was semi-convinced it would be a girl, so still trying to get my head around this, but of course I still have to get pregnant and stay pregnant. Everything is looking good - start my progesterone shots on Thursday and have the embryo transfer on 11/30. Come on little guy...

Friday, November 11, 2016

ONE singular sensation

I have one good embryo for transfer. One. After all this, I really hoped I would have at least two - but I'm starting to realize that my age is really a big factor here. 39-year-olds don't freeze their eggs - 30-year-olds do. And for good reason - you only have so many good eggs left. I'm really glad I paid to get the PGS testing, though - guessing that's why I miscarried a few months ago. Just wasn't a good embryo. But now the bad ones have been weeded out and after a few weeks of preparing my body, on 11/30 (or thereabouts) I will do my embryo transfer. And can take a pregnancy test on 12/9. At least the dreaded two week wait is shorter. Fingers and toes crossed people!

Wednesday, November 9, 2016

Hoping to get this done in 2016...

Man this takes a lot longer than I thought. Still waiting to hear back from the genetic testing, and in the meantime going to the dr today for a check-in since I started my period Monday. If I do in fact have a good embryo (please please please), I'll start progesterone on 11/23 (while in Europe - good times), and the embryo transfer would tentatively be 11/30 (the day after I get back). Come on little guys. BE HEALTHY!!

Friday, November 4, 2016


Well, the fourth embryo didn't look good, but the remaining three should arrive in Michigan today! I am now referring to them as the Three Amigos.

Lucky Day, Dusty Bottoms and Ned Nederlander. Although maybe I'll rename him Ringo. It's starting to stick.

Let's ride!

Thursday, November 3, 2016

Odds be damned

So the paperwork my dr's office gave me said 10-20% of embryos make it to the blastocyst stage (where they are frozen and ready for biopsy). But mine are defying those odds - three are ready and they are giving the 4th one more day to ripen! I will find out today if it made it, but I'm very happy with three out of four. Now they head to Michigan for genetic testing (what an adventure they have already been on - this baby will be a world traveler!), and I find out the results in 2-14 days. Hoping it's more like 7 days - would like to get this thing done this year for the love of god.

But surely one of the three will be good, and that's all it takes! ONE!