Monday, June 6, 2016

Swim like Ryan Lochte, little guys. (And look like him too)

Had IUIs Thursday and Friday, and the timing was pretty perfect. I had all the follicles Thursday, but at the ultrasound Friday, all but one on the left had released just moments before. Still doesn't mean this will work, but my doctor said it was the best we could have hoped for. The only problem: he didn't save any sperm to look at under the microscope, so I have no idea if it was a good sample or not, but come on. All it really takes is one. Not sure why people brag about 85 million of the little guys. I'd be happy with 10. Of course, after watching this video on the struggle of a sperm's journey, I probably would be happier with 300 million. But what can you do. I didn't work out Friday or Saturday, which was tough, and had really bad cramps Friday and Saturday nights. Not feeling particularly confident this time - why would it work on the 5th when it didn't work on 1-4, but all I can do is wait.

I also asked my doctor about IVF - looks like it's about $15K, but the "amazing" embryologist he works with is super religious and won't perform an IVF on single women or same-sex couples. I find this to be quite ludicrous - who are YOU to deny me medical treatment because I happen to not have a husband?? So not sure what that will mean, but I won't have that kind of money for another year anyway, so not going to worry about it. Yet.

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