Monday, February 27, 2017

Desperate times, desperate measures

Got the go-ahead to start injections this Saturday, with a tentative egg retrieval date of 3/15. I'm ready to get going, but so nervous it's not going to work. But trying some new things this time:
  • acupuncture
  • gluten-free diet
  • coq10 supplements
  • fish oil supplements
  • barley supplements
  • maca supplements
  • baby aspirin
  • Plus some new drugs: prometrium after the retrieval and Follistim instead of Gonal-F
Here's hoping...


Tuesday, February 21, 2017

What's one more week

Went today for the baseline ultrasound and they found a cyst in my right ovary. So I have to take birth control pills for another week and go back next Monday to hopefully start again. Jesus. The waiting is the hardest part. (Shout-out, Tom Petty)

Wednesday, February 15, 2017

Healthy. Crap.

Had some bloodwork done to see if there was a reason for my miscarriages, and...nope. Everything came back just fine. I am going to take baby aspirin throughout just to help things, but MAN. The one time I'm hoping to hear there's something wrong with me.

Regardless, starting over with round 2 of IVF. I had the hysteroscopy yesterday, and everything inside looks good post-d&c. Found a new sperm donor, because the last guy was sold out. (Seriously. This keeps happening to me.) It's arrived safe and sound at my dr's office, and my $5000 of drugs came to the house today. Should be starting on the stims next Saturday. Here's hoping they grab like 20 eggs and 10+ are mature and fertilize. It's so frustrating hearing about friends going through this who got so many embryos they have 8 on ice! 8! Stupid 39-year-old eggs.

And I tried acupuncture last week. Infertility acupuncture. Personally I think it's all a bunch of hooey, but people swear by it so who am I to judge. Will go again before I get the egg retrieval, and then again after implantation.#voodoo