Thursday, December 21, 2017

Martha Stewart, beware

My doctor told me to be careful in the kitchen over the holidays because they see lots of women after Christmas with burns on their stomachs who forget how big they are and run into stovetops/cookie sheets/etc. I would laugh, but I have run into a few walls and doors because my depth perception is off. Ouch.

Monday, December 18, 2017

37 weeks

Well, the baby is tipping the scales at approx 6lbs 14oz, which seems enormous. Especially considering people are still not noticing that I'm pregnant. I went to a dermatologist last week and the nurse walked me into the exam room and asked, "is there a chance you might be pregnant?" Stunned, I stared for a second. "Um, yes. There's a pretty good chance." Seriously??

Friends have been so generous - I have gotten bags of little girl clothes that their children have outgrown. I guess that's one benefit to waiting this long - everyone else is done having kids. Still, thank you. So appreciative.

Friday, December 8, 2017

36 (!) weeks

Because I'm still confused by how many weeks you are versus how many months you are, I think I still have another week before I'm officially 9 months pregnant. But still. 36 weeks. It feels like forever. But when you include the IVF stuff, it really will be like a year. Me and the elephant. Awesome.

We hit up Buy Buy Baby over the weekend and bought the rest of the stuff I needed wanted. And it was a bit obscene, tbh:

I'm still feeling pretty good, aside from a gross itchy rash that has appeared on my calves and ankles. I don't know what Braxton Hicks feel like, but I have had some intermittent tightening so maybe that's what it is? Who the F knows. Gained 22 lbs according to my scale; 24 according to my dr's scale (so I will obviously be going with mine), but still have 4 weeks and I'm sure several more pounds to go. My mom continues to make fat jokes - today even asked how I managed to get into the sweater coat I'm wearing. ("A feat of science" was my response.)

See you soon, Georgie!!

Friday, December 1, 2017


Look how "big" her hands and feet are! Compared to the tiny dots they used to be...crazy.