Tuesday, May 24, 2016

Shots. But not the tequila kind.

Went to the dr today, and we're going to do another round of back-to-back IUIs, this time with injectables. Initially my prescription was for Follistim, but at the last minute it was on back order so I was going to get Gonal-F instead. Thank goodness some Follistim came in, because although it's ridiculously expensive ($900), Gonal-F is a gut-wrenching $2000! I start the shots tonight, have more bloodwork Friday (had some blood drawn today as a baseline), and then see the dr for another ultrasound Sunday or Monday. I see my doctor so often, especially on weekends, I think we might be dating. (Besides the fact that he thought I was only 32 today. Bless him.) Ordered the same sperm (go Leroy!), since he was such a superstar last month, and it will be delivered Friday to the dr's office. So basically I have spent an ungodly amount of money today, and really hope it takes this time.

The semi-good news: according to my doctor, IVF is more affordable than I thought - $6-$8K per round, as opposed to the $30K that I was thinking. Now, I still don't HAVE $6K, but could get it faster than I could get $30K. Which would be never.

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